Burlington Institute Of Technology

Burlington Institute Of Technology
Our mission is to fully and comprehensively prepare adolescents and adults of Burlington County: To respond to societal needs through the development of career and technical education programs reflecting the technological advances of the greater community while meeting the needs of both adolescent and adult learners. To provide programs enabling all students to become productive, self-fulfilled, lifelong learners. To develop and maintain reciprocal relationships with both civic and business communities. To support community-wide social, cultural, counseling and career and technical education training programs, while jointly developing apprenticeship and occupational training programs with local businesses, industries, and educational institutions. To position students for success in mastering the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Grades 9 through 12 in a safe, secure, and caring environment.
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Additional Info
Facebook Handle : https://www.facebook.com/people/Burlington-County-Institute-of-Technology/100063744272029/?eid=ARA1f5GWckUcwg845iUcfU46r33Rh1WO4xM1MT0LCfXe_USwvxUSFvHIHsqOwxq0tcYAy2tZtqxvLfcF
Twitter Handle : https://x.com/BCITTWEETS
Instagram Handle : https://www.instagram.com/bcit_burlington/
Nereida Mack
Executive Administrative Assistant