Virtual Women's Council: Healing After a Traumatic Year! - Steps for Moving Forward in the Post-Pandemic World with Optimism
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 (10:30 AM - 11:30 AM) (EDT)
Each day, as more and more people around us are vaccinated, life is slowly settling into a new post-pandemic normal. Businesses are re-opening, schools are going full-time attendance, and we are free to gather and socialize again – at least somewhat. Sounds good, right? But are we truly prepared, emotionally, to go back to “life as usual”? Because, let’s face it, we’ve just emerged from a very traumatic year – some in better shape than others - and jumping right back into the same old routine isn’t going to happen with a simple snap of our fingers.
The good news is, by practicing several techniques, we can make the transition go a little more smoothly. These techniques are founded on our ability to assimilate positive vibes and adoption an optimistic attitude. Join us as Kimberly S. Reed discusses how doing both, will give us the drive and impetus to author our next chapters, no matter how we are feeling after a year of challenge and trauma.
Get a copy of "Optimists Always Win": www.tinyurl.com/WC-OAW