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CCSNJ Participates in Multiple Hearings on NJ Disparity Study

In two separate hearings, the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) was an invited guest to discuss the findings of the New Jersey Disparity Study, which was released earlier this year.

On Monday, May 13 the Assembly Community Development and Women's Affairs Committee (ACW), took testimony on the underutilization of Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) in awarding prime contracts and subcontracts by State contracting agencies. Then, on Tuesday, May 21 the Joint Committee on Economic Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity (JEJ) heard from invited guests on the findings of the New Jersey Study on Disparity in State procurement and addressing obstacles in contracting and procurement for women, persons of color, and veterans.

In testimony at both hearings, the CCSNJ spoke about their strong disappointment in the results of the Disparity Study, as well as their commitment to helping policymakers advance measures that improve contracting opportunities for diverse-owned businesses. Additionally, the CCSNJ pointed to the New Jersey Diverse Business Advisory Council, which has proposed a slate of legislative and executive actions that should be taken.

Specifically, the CCSNJ highlighted the following measures that if implemented could help realize significant change in the State’s procurement practices:

· Setting Inclusive Procurement Goals

· Creation of a Diverse Supplier Database

· Promote Technology Adoption

· Unbundling of State Contracts

· Incentives for Prime Contractors

Additionally, during the ACW hearing, the CCSNJ supported A-3936 (Quijano/Speight), which would establish a New Jersey Division of Minority and Women Business Development and a State Chief Disparity Officer to monitor efforts to promote participation by minority-owned/women-owned businesses in state contracting. The bill was passed unanimously and moves to the Assembly State and Local Government Committee for a hearing.

To read the Chamber’s full testimony, please click here.

Special thanks to Katz Government Affairs LLC for their assistance at this public hearing.

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Hilary Chebra

Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

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