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On Thursday, January 26, the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey’s Manager of Government Affairs, Hilary Chebra testified before the Senate Economic Growth Committee on a package of bills aimed at assisting small businesses. The first bill, S-3204/A-4749 (Zwicker/Coughlin/Swain/Timberlake) would require the NJ Business Action Center to develop, in collaboration with business entities including regional chambers of commerce across the State, a manual to provide information and guidance on establishing, maintaining, and expanding a small business. Additionally, S-3400/A-4751 (Zwicker/Ruiz/Mosquera/Speight/DeAngelo) would establish a mentorship program within the NJ Business Action Center to match new businesses with entities that are more experienced. In her testimony, Ms. Chebra stated that during the pandemic there was an uptick in applications for new businesses and these bills will help those in navigate how to operate a successful business in the state . Additionally, Ms. Chebra testified before the Senate Commerce Committee on S-3460 (Pou/Ruiz) which establishes a certification program for businesses owned by LGBTQ+ persons. Ms. Chebra noted in her testimony that this legislation aligns with one of the CCSNJ’s core values, to foster an inclusive community that embraces the diversity of the companies, organizations, and individuals the CCSNJ serves. Enabling the certification of businesses as LGBTQ+-owned will enhance the visibility and highlight the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as ensure more equitable access to bids and contracts. To read the CCSNJ testimony on S-3460 (Pou/Ruiz), click here.
CCSNJ Testifies in Support of Small/Diverse Businesses