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On Monday, February 12 the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) released its latest policy report entitled, Long Story Short: South Jersey - A Busy Policymakers Guide to Understanding a Misunderstood Region. The report, which was developed and written internally throughout 2023, details the possibilities and hurdles to economic growth and workforce development county by county in South Jersey, and the four key issues that stunt economic progress across the region. Filled with demographic information, fun facts and critical policy suggestions, the CCSNJ’s goal is to provide statewide policymakers with an appreciation for the southern portion of the state and better understanding of its unique needs. If successful, the Chamber’s hope is that future economic policies will be crafted with the region’s needs and characteristics in mind. Although each county’s possibilities and hurdles to economic growth vary, the CCSNJ concludes the report with four overarching issues that impact development across all corners of South Jersey. They are: • Lack of public transportation/transportation infrastructure. • Equitable incentives tailored to South Jersey’s unique needs and underserved areas. • Broadband accessibility. • Shortage of housing options. The research for this report began in March of 2023 and consisted of interviews with over 30 economic development leaders from across South Jersey, as well as information gleaned from the CCSNJ’s 1,200 member companies. The full report can be found here: chamberofcommercesouthernnewjerseyccsnj.growthzoneapp.com/ap/CloudFile/Download/PKmdvoor Source : https://chamberofcommercesouthernnewjerseyccsnj.growthzoneapp.com/ap/CloudFile/Download/PKmdvoor
ICYMI: CCSNJ Releases Policy Report on Economic Development in South Jersey
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