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On May 7, The Assembly Commerce and Economic Development and Senate Budget and Appropriations will meet via teleconference. The agenda's for the committees are as follows: Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee A3905 (TImberlake/Vaineri Huttle/Quijano) - Revises requirements for cash assistance benefits under Work First New Jersey program; appropriates $25 million. A3908 (Jasey/Reynold-Jackson/McKeon) - "COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act." A3919 (Calabrese/Spearman/Murphy) - Extends certain permits during COVID-19 emergency. A3956 (Chaparro/Mukherji/Wimberly) - Establishes "2020 New Jersey Emergency Rental Assistance Program"; appropriates $100 million. A3971 (Benson/Coughlin) - Authorizes the issuance of "coronavirus relief bonds" by municipalities and counties. S2332 (Stack/Sweeney) - Establishes "2020 New Jersey Emergency Rental Assistance Program"; appropriates $100 million. Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee: S1055 (Stack) - Permits qualified municipalities to prohibit conversion of affordable residential rental units to certain forms of ownership housing. S2034 (Singleton) - Establishes the "Mortgage Assistance Pilot Program." S2330 (Pou/Cryan/Oroho/Vitale) - "COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act." S2346 (Sarlo/Sweeney) - Extends certain permits during COVID-19 emergency. S2350 (Sweeny/Pou) - Concerns benefits and leave provided to workers. S2371 (Gopal/O'Scanlon) - Establishes NJ Hospitality Emergency Loan Program in EDA to provide no-interest loans to qualified small hospitality businesses; makes $5 million appropriation to EDA. S2383 (Sarlo/Ruiz) - Requires Commissioner of Education to establish three-year "Bridge Year Pilot Program" for students graduating high school in 2021 and 2022 who were impacted by public health state of emergency caused by coronavirus disease 2019. S2384 (Greenstein) - Requires health care facilities to report certain coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) data related to health care workers and certain first responders. S2387 (Sarlo/Cryan) - Extends time period for filing and processing certain property tax appeals in 2020. S2388 (Addiego/O'Scanlon) - Authorizes certain forms of testing for cornavirus disease 2019. S2392 (Sarlo) - Allows extension of certain local government timeframes; allows local governments to accept certain payments; allows local governments to conduct certain meetings remotely; adjusts certain property tax distribution and notice requirements. S2394 (Greenstein) - Requires hospital to permit individual to accompany woman during childbirth. SCR103 (Rice) - Urges efforts at state and federal levels to protect minority communities from certain practices of debt settlement companies. The CCSNJ would like your feedback on: A3908 (Jasey/Reynold-Jackson/McKeon) - "COVID-19 Financial Security for Consumers Act." A3919 (Calabrese/Spearman/Murphy) - Extends certain permits during COVID-19 emergency. For feedback on these bills, please contact Hilary Beckett, Manager, Government Affairs at hbeckett@chambersnj.com Media Contact : hbeckett@chambersnj.com Related Links : https://conta.cc/2SEKBY7
Senate and Assembly Committees to Meet on Thursday, May 7th
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