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As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) is proud to participate in the “New Jersey Business Coalition,” a group of more than 40 major business and nonprofit associations representing employers that provide millions of jobs in New Jersey. On March 31, the coalition put forth federal and state policy recommendations for a COVID-19 Legislative and Administrative Relief Package. Additionally, on April 2 an op-ed ran on the Coalition’s proposals. Given these unprecedented times, the New Jersey Business Coalition is encouraging lawmakers to adopt policies that assist business owners who are in need of an immediate capital infusion and regulatory relief if they are going to navigate the new norm and survive the coronavirus pandemic. As overview of some of the proposals suggested to lawmakers are as follows: The CCSNJ looks forward to working with both the Administration and Legislators to provide much needed relief to small businesses and begin the journey to recovery and a stronger economy later. To read an op-ed about the New Jersey Business Coalition and the proposals, click here. For more information, please contact Hilary Beckett, Manager, Government Affairs at hbeckett@chambersnj.com Related Links : https://conta.cc/3aKqPkY
The New Jersey Business Coalition Unveils Policy Proposals
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