Ensure your guests, staff and community stays safe inside your business and home
Any plan to bring American business, Schools and our nation back must deploy technology that can eliminate SARS-CoV-2, the COVID virus, from interior air – safely and immediately!
You don’t need to think about HOW – we have the answer.
This technology was evolved from the NASA space program and is now used by hospitals, schools, offices, restaurants, other businesses, and hundreds of thousands of homes. YOU CAN HAVE IT IN YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS NOW. No need to call in an HVAC company, get permits, or rip apart your air handling system. It simply plugs in, and our team will maintain the machine for years to come.
As a Distributor in NJ, DE, PA, and MD - Hoffman’s Exterminating can now install and service the Aerus ActivePure® air and surface disinfectant machines.
Recent testing by an FDA-compliant, military-grade laboratory found more than 99.96% of airborne SARS-CoV-2 is eliminated in three minutes. Competitors may have similar solutions in the future, but spending billions on inferior systems now is wasteful. Our technology is bringing millions of people back to the life they deserve.
Call a Hoffman Representative today or scan the QR code below.
Find out how your home or office can get back to normal!