Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health Virtual Graduation
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the student interns of Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health (a nationally acclaimed employment program for students with autism and related disabilities) could not be together for their graduation ceremony. But that didn’t stop the Project SEARCH team from celebrating their graduates – students were surprised at home with balloons, graduation certificates and a gift from the team at Jefferson Health New Jersey before taking part in a Zoom video graduation ceremony.
Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health, which is facilitated by Y.A.L.E. School, is a program that provides full immersion in the job preparation process, as students gain extensive experience in a work environment to ready them for competitive employment. Award-winning Jefferson Health, located in Cherry Hill, hosted the interns in this one-year internship program.
Christian Higgs
Y.A.L.E. School Student Chris Higgs proudly stands with his mom Kelly Higgs on his graduation day from Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health. Chris received balloons, his Project SEARCH certificate and a gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey.
Gabriele Mastrobuono
Y.A.L.E. School Project SEARCH instructor Ernie Laux presents graduate Gabriele Mastrobuono with his Project SEARCH certificate and a gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey on his graduation day.
Jake Romano
Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduate Jake Romano gets a thumbs up from Y.A.L.E. School Project SEARCH instructor Ernie Laux and Darlene Anderson, Y.A.L.E. School/Project SEARCH Steering Committee Coordinator. The graduates of the Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health program received a surprise delivery of balloons, their graduation certificates and a gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey on graduation day.
Jeffrey Kinosian
Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduate Jeffrey Kinosian, his family and Y.A.L.E. School instructors celebrate his graduation day. Jeffrey received balloons, his Project SEARCH certificate and a gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey.
Tiffany Scurry, MSW of the Child Study Team in Kingsway School District hand-delivered Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduate Jeffrey Kinosian his diploma from Kingsway Regional High School.
Kenneth Torres
Y.A.L.E. School Project SEARCH instructor Ernie Laux and the Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health team surprise graduate Kenneth Torres at his workplace with a delivery of balloons, his graduation certificate and a special gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey on his graduation day. Kenneth secured his job at DocuVault Delaware Valley in West Deptford as a result of his experience with Project SEARCH.
Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduate Kenneth Torres shares a big smile after a special surprise visit from the Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health team on his graduation day. As a result of his experience with Project SEARCH, Kenneth secured a job at DocuVault Delaware Valley in West Deptford.
Matthew Rumsey
Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduate Matthew Rumsey is all smiles after a surprise visit from Y.A.L.E. School instructors and a special gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey on his Project SEARCH graduation day.
Zoom Graduation
The Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduates celebrate their completion of the one-year immersive internship program on a Zoom call with families, friends, Y.A.L.E. School instructors and members of Project SEARCH Steering Committee. Although graduation was held remotely, Project SEARCH at Jefferson Health graduates received a special delivery of balloons, their graduation certificates and gift from Jefferson Health New Jersey earlier in the day.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Erin Bell | erin@thomasboyd.com