ROI-NJ presents the ROI Influencers: Food & Beverage 2021
From grocery stores to restaurants, processors to distributors, entrepreneurs to conglomerates, the food business impacts the state in numerous ways. Of course, in the past year — as a global pandemic has made everyone rethink everything — our relationship with food has changed.
Simply put, having the latest and greatest meal has been replaced by a concern for just having a meal: Food insecurity is real — and its impact has touched all portions of society.
So, this year, when we determined the 2021 ROI Influencers: Food & Beverage list, we made sure to honor all those in the industry big and small, but we gave extra emphasis to those who made sure no one went hungry. We can’t think of a better way to have influence.
ROI Influencers: The Top 15
ROI Influencers: A-F
ROI Influencers: G-M
ROI Influencers: N-Z
A huge congratulations to our members who were featured: F&S Produce Co., Inc., J&J Snack Foods Corp, Rastelli Market Fresh, Lassonde Pappas & Company, Inc., Campbell Soup Company, DoorDash and Garden State Wine Growers Association!
We are so proud of the influence you've had on the food and beverage industry, especially during this challenging year 👏 Congratulations to all!
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Source : https://www.roi-nj.com/2021/07/27/roi-influencers/food-beverage/2021-food-beverage/roi-nj-presents-the-roi-influencers-food-beverage-2021/?utm_source=