Workplace Harmony Announces New HR Subscription Service for Small Business Owners
ScrappyHR is Workplace Harmony's new HR solution for small business owners. This subscription based model of services offers business owners all the tools they need to be their own HR department. Jam-packed with tutorials, guides, templates and more, ScrappyHR also provides up to 3 hours of time each month with a dedicated HR Advisor on our team. This is the perfect solution for small organizations who have less than 20 employees, do not need full HR services, and want to be compliant in running their operations. This solution is also affordable at $300/month and business owners are welcome to cancel at anytime. Reach out if you're interested in scheduling a free consultation to decide if this is right for you!

Additional Info
Media Contact : megan@workplaceharmonyhr.com
Related Links : https://workplaceharmony.mylearnworlds.com/