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Position Papers

CCSNJ Desk Letter for June 16 Assembly Voting Session

General Business


TO:                       Members of the New Jersey General Assembly 

FROM:                 Hilary Chebra, Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

RE:                       CCSNJ Positions on the June 16, 2022 Voting Session

DATE: June 16, 2022

The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) would like to voice our support for the following legislation being discussed today:

  • A-992 (Reynolds-Jackson/Stanley/Sumter) Authorizes State Chief Diversity Officer to conduct disparity study concerning utilization of minority-owned and women-owned businesses in State procurement process.
  • A- 1962 (Mukherji/Lopez) Directs New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell, Office of Information Technology, and New Jersey Big Data Alliance to develop advanced cyberinfrastucture strategic plan.
  • A-4066 (Verrelli/Moen/Speight) - Appropriates funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2023.
  • A-4067 (Sampson/Conaway/Carter) - Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2023.
  • A-4214 (Jaffer/Moen/Wimberly) - Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for transportation infrastructure projects for FY2023; makes appropriation.
  • S-525/A-280 (Ruiz/Singleton/Umba) - Enhances, and allocates funds for, pre-apprenticeship programs.
  • A-2233 (Greenwald/Calabrese/Giblin) - Eliminates one percent tax on purchasers of Class 4A commercial property transferred for consideration in excess of $1 million.
  • A-4224 (Mosquera/Freiman/Jasey) - Provides project grants under "Securing Our Children's Future Fund" for career and technical education at county colleges; appropriates $19,993,837.
  • A-4225 (Jaffer/Conaway/Calabrese) - Provides project grants under "Securing Our Children's Future Fund" for career and technical education at county vocational school districts; appropriates $36,960,028.

However, the CCSNJ would like to express our opposition to:

  • A-184 (Rooney) - Requires public utility requesting rate increase to hold public hearings in every county.

Thank you for the ability to share our position on the above measures.

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For any Government-related comments, questions or suggestions please contact:

Hilary Chebra 

Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

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