CCSNJ Desk Letter for June 29 Assembly Voting Session
TO: Members of the New Jersey General Assembly
FROM: Hilary Chebra, Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ
RE: Assembly Board List
DATE: June 29, 2022
The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) would like to voice our support for the following bills being considered:
- A-2677 (McClellan/Reynolds-Jackson/Sumter) - Requires New Jersey Historical Commission to establish Black Heritage Trail; permits New Jersey Black Cultural and Heritage Initiative Foundation to use funds for markers on certain trail sites; appropriates $1 million.
- A-4208 (Pintor Marin/Quijano/Speight) - Provides sales and use tax exemption for certain purchases made by all supermarkets and grocery stores located within urban enterprise zones.
- A-4365 (Coughlin/Verrelli/Spearman) - Revises various provisions of Food Desert Relief Program.
- A-4371 (Coughlin/Danielsen/Egan) - Establishes Capital Project Development Loan Program to support certain large-scale redevelopment projects; appropriates $300 million.
- A-4374 (Benson/Pintor Marin) - Authorizes DOT to compensate contractors and subcontractors affected by supply chain shortages; appropriates $10 million.
- S-772/A-1929 (Pou/Pennacchio/Swain/Dancer/McKnight) - Directs Department of Agriculture to establish New Jersey Minority, Women, and Underserved Farmer Registry.
- A-1522 (Moriarty/Greenwald/Lampitt) - Establishes annual sales tax holiday for certain sales of personal computers and certain sales of school supplies and equipment during first full weekend of August.
- A-4162 (Freiman/Mosquera/Jaffer) - Credits $1.3 billion to "New Jersey Debt Defeasance and Prevention Fund"; appropriates $1.3 billion.
- A-4395 (Pintor Marin/Freiman/Reynolds-Jackson) - Expands allowance for developers to carry forward unused tax credits under New Jersey Aspire Program.
However, the CCSNJ would like to respectfully express our opposition to:
- S-315/A-3684 (Vitale/Codey/DeAngelo) - Concerns employment security during changes in control of health care entities.
- A-1474 (Lopez/Danielsen/Carter) - Provides certain protections and rights for temporary laborers.
Thank you for the ability to share our positions on the above measures.
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