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Position Papers

CCSNJ Support for the "New Jersey Works Act"




TO:                  Members of the Senate Labor Committee

FROM:             Hilary Chebra, Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

RE:                   S-1485 (Beach/Singleton)

DATE:              May 8, 2023

The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) would like to express our support for S-1485 (Beach/Singleton) know as the "New Jersey Works Act". This bill would permit businesses to create pre-employment training programs in partnership with nonprofit organizations or educational institutions. Additionally, the bill would provide tax credit to businesses that provide financial assistance to pre-employment training.

The CCSNJ has long supported collaboration between businesses and institutions of higher education and is proud of the strong partnerships our organization has with South Jersey’s county colleges. In addition to highlighting the campuses of the region’s five county colleges at multiple events during the year, the CCSNJ has connected countless businesses with these institutions looking to hire graduating students and partnered on employee training and certification programs. Additionally, each summer the CCSNJ hosts the South Jersey Summer Institute for Educators, which provides high school and middle school educators with high-level exposure to the regional business community, so they are able to prepare their students for the workforce. S-1485 (Beach/Singleton) would allow businesses and educators to connect and create programs specifically geared towards the real world needs of the workforce and regional economy.

The CCSNJ commends the sponsors of this important bill that, if implemented, could assist in cultivating a skilled and highly trained New Jersey workforce. Following the pandemic, many left the workforce in search of a new endeavor. As a result, businesses continue to struggle to find the employee base they need to operate efficiently and successfully. S-1485 (Beach/Singleton) will give workers the training needed to find good paying jobs and supply employers with a skilled workforce that is currently lacking. Additionally, and importantly, business will receive tax relief for helping employees get on-the-job training.   

This legislation is a true win-win for job seekers, businesses, higher education institutions and vo-tech schools – all geared towards aiding the state’s workforce development and training needs.

For these reasons, the CCSNJ urges you to support for S-1485 (Beach/Singleton).

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For any Government-related comments, questions or suggestions please contact:

Hilary Chebra 

Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

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