CCSNJ Support of A-3805/S-961
TO: Members of the Assembly Higher Education Committee
FROM: Hilary Chebra, Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ
RE: A-3805/S-961 (Armato/Zwicker/Singleton/Cruz-Perez)
DATE: May 5, 2021
The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) would like to express our support for A-3805/S-961 (Armato/Zwicker/Singleton/Cruz-Perez), which establishes an annual grant program to recognize institutions of higher education that offer comprehensive array of veteran programs and services.
The CCSNJ commends the sponsors of this important bill that, if implemented, could assist institutions of higher education in continuing to provide services to their student veterans. Institutions of higher education that work to provide a seamless shift to civilian life in the college classroom for veterans should be commended and this legislation recognizes that important work by providing additional resources for service men and women.
As currently written, the bill establishes an annual grant program under the State’s Troops to College Program. This program, which was established in 2009, aims to assist New Jersey’s public institutions of higher education in coordinating the provision of a comprehensive array of services to assist veterans in making the transition into the college classroom. This bill will recognize and support those efforts through the establishment of an annual grant program, which will be available to both public and independent institutions of higher education.
The veteran community was not immune to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the jobless rate nationwide for all veterans increased to 6.5 percent. Unemployment rates for both male and female veterans increased in 2020, reflecting the COVID-19 pandemic. Expanding programs to assist veterans in obtaining higher education will provide service men and women with more opportunities in the civilian workforce. This bill will ensure that institutions of higher education that are providing comprehensive services to veterans will have the resources to continue doing so.
For these reasons, the CCSNJ urges you to A-3805/S-961 (Armato/Zwicker/Singleton/Cruz-Perez).