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Position Papers

CCSNJ Testimony on the 2026 FIFA World Cup's Impact on Tourism

Economic Development


TO: Members of the Assembly Tourism and Gaming Committee

FROM: Hilary Chebra, Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

RE:  FIFA World Cup 2026 & Potential Impact on New Jersey Tourism

DATE: June 10, 2024

The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) appreciates the opportunity to weigh in on the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2026 and the potential impact these games will have on New Jersey tourism.

The CCSNJ is the region’s largest and most influential business organization with over 1,200 members representing businesses and nonprofits in the seven most southern counties of New Jersey, as well as greater Philadelphia and northern Delaware. As a result, the CCSNJ can confidently testify to the regional enthusiasm due to the World Cup’s presence in both northern New Jersey and Philadelphia and fully understands the significance that this type of international event will have in driving visitors and ancillary economic benefits to the Garden State.

Without question, there will be an influx of international visitors to New Jersey, which will inject vital resources into our local and statewide economies. The state should do everything in its power to support and promote local businesses to tourists, as well as our hotels, restaurants, and the state’s numerous attractions – including beaches, boardwalks, wineries, breweries and other well-known landmarks. Because New Jersey, and particularly South Jersey, is already accustomed to welcoming millions of visitors every year, our region remains prepared to welcome first-time New Jersey visitors for this global event.

For example, the state should consider hosting watch parties in certain areas of South Jersey for both the north Jersey-based games, as well as those games taking place in Philadelphia. The Camden Waterfront’s recent revitalization has prepared the City for the global stage with attractions for all ages and interests, including the Freedom Mortgage Pavilion, a 25,000-seat open-air concert amphitheater, the Battleship New Jersey and Adventure Aquarium, to name a few.

Additionally, Atlantic City will greatly benefit from its proximity to the games being played in Philadelphia. With Atlantic City’s brick-and-mortar casino revenue having recently seen declines, the arrival of international visitors will provide a much-needed boost to the local economy.  Already a world-renowned destination for entertainment, hospitality and gaming, Atlantic City possesses the amenities to host watch parties and attract visitors seeking diverse experiences beyond the matches themselves. With its iconic boardwalk, award-winning casinos, and acclaimed dining and entertainment offerings, Atlantic City is poised to welcome soccer enthusiasts from around the globe and provide them with a memorable experience.

New Jersey and FIFA should take steps to ensure we are maximizing the opportunity to showcase our state, with an eye towards procuring goods and services from local businesses and growing tourism revenue. It is important to ensure that all businesses benefit from this once in a lifetime global event. We encourage the FIFA Host Committee to create a procurement process prioritizes local businesses, as well as ensures equitable access for all businesses, including minority and women owned businesses. The CCSNJ looks forward to working with the host committee to help identify ways to work with local New Jersey businesses and access to all opportunities to provide goods and services to the games and surrounding events.

However, there are challenges that must be addressed to ensure that fans have the best possible visit. Transportation has always been a challenge for South Jersey, with much of the region considered a “transit desert.” With far less public transportation than our northern brethren, residents and visitors are forced to be reliant on cars for transportation. This is less than optimal to serve visitors from other countries, who will be far more interested in relying on public transit for transportation.

The Atlantic City Rail Line (ACL) could act as a crucial artery for the games, allowing fans to easily enjoy the Philadelphia-based games, then travel to Atlantic City for all its entertainment and gaming amenities. The ACL is one of the only rail line NJ Transit operates in the southern part of the state and the only rail line that runs to Atlantic City. Increasing services, and investing in strategic marketing of the ACL, leading up to and during the World Cup would ensure that soccer enthusiasts have accessible transportation options to move about the region with ease.

The CCSNJ looks forward to the FIFA World Cup and the opportunity to showcase the best of South Jersey to the world. Thank you again for the opportunity to weigh in.

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For any Government-related comments, questions or suggestions please contact:

Hilary Chebra 

Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

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