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Position Papers

F-35 Fighter Jet


The CCSNJ supported A-270 (Armato/Mazzeo), which would make a General Fund supplemental appropriation of $50,000 to the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) for air quality studies to support the campaign for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Jets to be located at the 177th Air National Guard base. The CCSNJ is also a part of a larger coalition of business organizations supporting this campaign for the overall economic benefit of the county and the region. Specifically, it is estimated that upwards of 100 new jobs could be created, not including construction jobs, all of which would drive much needed economic activity to Atlantic County. Additionally, the Atlantic County-based facilities have already been designed to meet the needs of F-35 fighter jets making any modifications limited, minimizing overall relocation and basing costs. The bill passed the Assembly unanimously on February 24, 2020.

Additionally, on January 9, 2020, New Jersey Governor Murphy signed SJR-83, which expresses support for United States Air Force to base F-35 fighter jets at 177th Fighter Wing in Atlantic City.

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Hilary Chebra 

Manager, Government Affairs, CCSNJ

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