Support of Apprenticeship Bills
A-4604/S-3066 (Lampitt/Ruiz) | A-4655/S-3063 (Armato/Ruiz) | A-4656/S-3064 (Armato/Ruiz)
TO: Members of the Assembly Labor Committee
FROM: Christina M. Renna, Senior Vice President, CCSNJ
RE: Apprenticeship Bills:
A-4604/S-3066 (Lampitt/Ruiz)
A-4655/S-3063 (Armato/Ruiz)
A-4656/S-3064 (Armato/Ruiz)
A-4829/S-3068 (Lopez/Ruiz)
DATE: May 16, 2019
The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) would like to express our support for the following bills that deal with supporting, advancing and making apprenticeship programs more available in New Jersey:
- A-4604/S-3066 (Lampitt/Ruiz)
- A-4655/S-3063 (Armato/Ruiz)
- A-4656/S-3064 (Armato/Ruiz)
- A-4829/S-3068 (Lopez/Ruiz)
The CCSNJ commends the various sponsors of these important bills that, if implemented, could assist in cultivating a skilled and highly trained New Jersey workforce. As currently written, the bills being considered today would provide grants to apprenticeship programs in areas deemed “high growth”, provide tuition waiver apprenticeships courses, develop a task force to develop a state-wide plan to diversify the types of apprenticeship programs offered in New Jersey and establish an apprenticeship mentoring program for women, minorities or people with disabilities.
The CCSNJ believes that these bills will help provide resources to fill significant gaps in the advanced workforce occupational skills and offer greater opportunities for a new generation of workers to access careers in high-skill, high-wage occupations; as well as broaden the universe of individuals who can take advantage of these types of programs.
Historically, apprenticeship programs have proved extremely effective in producing a highly skilled and highly paid workforce; any incentives that can increase these opportunities is a welcome one. For these reasons, the CCSNJ urges you to support A-4604/S-3066 (Lampitt/Ruiz), A-4655/S-3063 (Armato/Ruiz), A-4656/S-3064 (Armato/Ruiz) and A-4829/S-3068 (Lopez/Ruiz).