Support of S-659 (Oroho/Greenstein) the "Manufacturing in Higher Education Act"
TO: Members of the New Jersey Senate
FROM: Hilary Chebra, Manager, Government Affairs CCSNJ
RE: Support of S-659 (Oroho/Greenstein)
DATE: June 16, 2022
The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey is pleased to support S-659 (Oroho/Greenstein), the "Manufacturing in Higher Education Act". As written, the bill requires various State entities to promote manufacturing career pathways for students and provides assistance to the manufacturing industry.
Increasing access to careers in manufacturing has long been a priority of the CCSNJ. We are proud call every institution of higher education in South Jersey an active member, at the university and county-level, as well as represent the portion of the state with the largest share of manufacturing companies.
The manufacturing sector is in dire need of a trained workforce if it is to continue to grow and thrive in New Jersey. Like many industries, finding a skilled workforce has been a struggle. But particularly concerning for the manufacturing industry is its aging workforce, as well as a lessen desire for high school graduates to take up employment within the sector. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the share of the manufacturing workforce under the age of 35 has decreased over the last 20 years from 27 percent to 23 percent. As a result, it is imperative that New Jersey encourage the next generation of workers to consider the stable and often times lucrative career opportunities within the manufacturing industry
S-659 (Oroho/Greenstein) will go a long way to support the manufacturing industry in the state, as well as grow the job base for graduates. The bill requires state entities to work with the business community to design a manufacturing career pathway, which would be offered through county colleges and county vocational school districts. This will not only ensure there is a pipeline of skilled workers prepared to enter the workforce, but also assure that they have the skills that the industry is looking for as their business models and job opportunities within the industry evolve. Additionally, the bill would establish the New Jersey Advanced Manufacturing Council ensuring regular oversight, progress and growth of the industry.
The CCSNJ is thrilled that since the inception of the Legislative Manufacturing Caucus bipartisan bills such as this are being introduced and given thoughtful consideration by the Legislature as a whole. We commend the sponsors for introducing this bill and urge the Committee to support S-659 (Oroho/Greenstein).