UEZ Legislation
On May 30, 2018, Governor Murphy signed S-846 (Turner/Cruz-Perez), which extended the designation of the five Urban Enterprise Zones (UEZs) that previously expired on January 1, 2017 for a five-year period. This allowed Bridgeton and Camden in southern New Jersey, as well as Newark, Plainfield, and Trenton to re-enter the program. Additionally, the law extended the designation for any UEZ that was set to expire for an additional five-year period, assuring all previous and current municipalities in the program remain so until December 31, 2023. Lastly, the statue requires the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to study the UEZ program and report to the Legislature on recommendations as to whether the program should continue as is, be amended, or expire at the end of the five year window. The CCSNJ has been strongly supportive of Urban Enterprise Zones for many years as we believe this program is an important tool for businesses located in economically challenged towns. Extending the UEZ designation in these communities sends a strong message that the Legislature is focused on businesses remaining and growing in many of New Jersey's urban centers.
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